In November 2022, Austin voters passed Austin ISD’s most inclusive bond in district history. The 2022 Bond funds critical repairs across the district, upgrades to safety and security, 25 school modernizations, four open concept school renovations and additional upgrades to technology, transportation and athletics.
29 Schools receiving a full or phased modernization or an open concept renovation
9 schools in construction
18 schools in design
2 remaining projects in queue
Watch an example of what a modernized school means to the community
Targeted Projects address critical needs, including safety and security improvements, heating, cooling plumbing and roof repairs across the district.
Safety and Security are a top priority
Security Fencing*
*Does not include schools receiving modernizations or open-concept renovations.
Safety and Security are a top priority
Secure Entry Vestibules*
None in Construction
*Does not include schools receiving modernizations or open-concept renovations
Anticipated in the 2024-2025 School Year
17 full or phased modernizations to break ground.
Targeted projects are underway and schedules will be determined in collaboration with school campuses.
All Schools to receive technology upgrades.
New devices for students, teachers and sta are being prioritized as needed. Other upgrades to Wifi and IT security are also scheduled to take place through the 2022 Bond.
Stadiums and Athletic Complexes
Delco Activity Center, Nelson Field, Burger Athletic Complex, Noack Sports Complex, and Yellow Jacket Stadium
5 in the design phase.
Projects are expected to move into the construction phase by 2025.
For more information on the 2022 Bond Program visit,
The Austin ISD 2022 Bond was passed by Austin voters to provide critical infrastructure repairs and updates, modernize aging facilities and to provide technology upgrades and advancements for facilities, and staff and student devices. Bond funds are not part of the district’s operating budget and cannot be re-allocated for operating expenses that are not explicitly related to the 2022 Bond.