Austin High School
Austin High School will receive a Phase 2 (of 3-4) modernization as part of the 2022 Bond. The project design is anticipated to begin in fall 2024 and open in spring 2027. The Campus Architectural Team, composed of campus staff, parents and community members, will work with the district and project team to determine the scope of the modernization in order to best meet the needs of Austin High’s students, staff and community.
Austin High will also receive a secure entry vestibule and improvements to campus systems including HVAC, electrical, roofing and plumbing repairs, as well as athletic field upgrades and fine arts improvements.
Follow the links to view the campus FAQs in English and Spanish.
Project Status: Modernized
Project Details
Total Project Budget: $41,922,000
Anticipated Opening Date: January 2027
Trustee: Lynn Boswell
Location: 1715 W. Cesar Chavez, Austin, TX 78701
Program Manager: AECOM
Architecture & Engineering: LPA Design Studios
Construction: Cadence McShane Construction
Bond Financials
For in depth financial and project reporting visit our CBOC meetings page. The Board of Trustees appointed volunteer community members to the Community Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) to ensure that the projects remain faithful to the voter-approved bond program scope of work and to monitor and ensure the bond projects are completed on time, with quality and within budget.
More Information
Project Updates
A community meeting has yet to be scheduled for this facility. If you are interested in receiving notifications about upcoming community meetings, please sign up for the newsletter by clicking the green button below.
Campus Architectural Team (CAT)
Melvin Bedford
Barron Johnson
Bonnie Sullivan
Brandon Reyes
Cyndi Goodson
John Dagar
Everett Reyes
Felicity Maxwell
Heather Hanna
Heather Chesney
Jacklynn Turner
James Scott, Sr
Jeff Stripling
Jes Holloway
Johann Pais
Kevin Ramberg
Lily Lloyd
Linda Garcia
Phil Murray
Richard Patenaude
Saul Jerome San Juan
Stacey Gardner
Stephen Walls
Vera Muniz
This bond program website is a comprehensive look into the bond progress and milestones. Some important locations within the website include: