Barrington Elementary School


As part of the 2022 Bond, Barrington Elementary School will receive a full modernization of the existing campus at its current location. The new building will feature flexible learning spaces to support a variety of learning styles, designed in partnership with the Barrington community. Project design will begin in fall 2023 and the modernized campus is anticipated to open for the start of the 2026-27 school year.

Follow the links to view the campus FAQs in English and Spanish.

Barrington Elementary School logo

Project Status: Modernized

Project Details

Total Project Budget: $38,858,000

Anticipated Opening Date: August 2026

Trustee: Candace Hunter

Location: 400 Cooper Dr., Austin, TX 78753

Program Manager: AECOM

Architecture & Engineering: Stantec

Construction: Core Construction 

Bond Financials

For in depth financial and project reporting visit our CBOC meetings page. The Board of Trustees appointed volunteer community members to the Community Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) to ensure that the projects remain faithful to the voter-approved bond program scope of work and to monitor and ensure the bond projects are completed on time, with quality and within budget.


More Information

Gilma Sanchez, Principal 

Rosie Valenzuela, Asst Principal

Ariana Rosado, Staff

Atenas Vallado Mendoza, Teacher

Carla Castro, Parent

Grecia Tovar, Teacher

Janexy Lopez, Teacher

Karla Alejandre, Teacher

Laura Avila, Parent

Lluvia Valentin Rivera, Teacher

Mikki Garza, Teacher 

Rose Miller, Teacher

Sandra Mireles, Teacher 

Marcella Munoz, Teacher

Nohemi Cepeda, Teacher

Silvia DelRio, Community Member